Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Hey Internauts,

For some reason my uncle wanted to see the Brad Pitt helmed WWII flick FURY.

My thoughts can be summed up with how they treated the only two actresses with lines: Main characters break into their house with guns. The "hero" is implied to sleep with the younger of the two, which in this case no matter how nice he is or cute they are, that's definitely rape. More soldiers come in and the older of the girls makes dinner for them as they harass their hosts and threaten them. Then three minutes later the house is bombed so I guess they outlive their usefulness for food, sex, and showing a more human side to the guys(?) so now they die...ugh.

With the amount of major violence and tragic valient sacrifice the movie was masturbatory patriarchy at its most conniving but then brad pitt and logan lerman may still get fucking nominated cause soldiers have feelings or some shit.

My dad says he hopes folks can learn from this, but maybe I'm a little jaded after my entire life of being presided over by war-mongering snake oil salesman. Gotta support the troops no matter what right? What about what's done to them to get them to that point? What about the horrors that could have been avoided if not for greedy fascist politicians years or decades before (oil, anti-communism, the treaty of Versailles) who never learn from History?

It's okay to be afraid of the future, but a fearful future should not be the goal of any society. Be proactive in preventing violence abroad and at home before it goes that far. After all, how many civilians must die before you're willing to question your damn jingoistic bullshit?

[in other news, I've been in New England this week getting something special cooked up for you lovely folks so feel free to get inappropriately excited]

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