Wednesday, July 29, 2015

YMMV: Friendships and Forgiveness

Hey there, Internauts

Got a bit of a personal one for ya tonight. I've always been pretty heavily open with this blog, and I think I'll try and keep it that way, good or bad mood.

On TV or in plenty of movies, you’ve got this character who has some friends and they all care about each other so much. Then something goes wrong. Either there’s a misunderstanding (bleh) or an argument or a big mistake or some awful choice or a combination of up to all of them. That’s when the break between friends goes down and sometimes it’s moving and sometimes it’s such bs, but whether this week or several seasons from now or at least the third act, there is an apology, an honest conversation, growth, and forgiveness. In the end, lessons are learned and everyone deserves a second chance (or third or fourth or twelfth depending on the genre).

I’ve never had friends like that. Sure, I’ve had some close acquaintances who aren’t really attached tight enough to the mast for the tempest to toss them. Real friends, though, the ones you would give up whatever for, the ones you really trust and love and can be real with. I guess we’re lucky if we can find just one.
Mostly, I’ve always felt like I have to walk on eggshells, ‘cause if I say or do even the slightest thing wrong, intentionally or otherwise, I’m out. Just like that. Oh I can apologize and be put on probation, with near constant reminders of my shortcomings and enough guilt to steer a tanker, but forgiveness is a non-option. Reconciliation, a fantasy. Friends who can work things out and talk things out and lay it all on the table, far as I can tell they’re reserved for the screen, where a return to plot status quo supersedes humanity.

IRL, I’ve never been allowed past the trial run.

For my part, if I truly care about you, you can get pretty far and I'll welcome you back. It's not that I'm super merciful or something. It's just that if I have to choose, I'll take honesty over calm.



Reminder: If you're 21 or older and free on Thursday, August sixth, I've a show as part of Kristen Ford's tour at The Rusty Nail in Ardmore, PA. Show should start around 8pm and I've been told I'm up around 1030ish. I would love to see you there.

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