Sunday, April 30, 2017

17/52 - Tomorrow's Flowers

Dear Internauts,

I should try to type this up nice and quick. Thankfully, I'm actually tired enough it shouldn't take too long to fall asleep. That's good because a) I usually have a very hard time falling asleep and b) I actually have work tomorrow.

Yup, starting tomorrow I'll be temping with a flower delivery service. Unlike last time, when I did some of the delivery, this time I'll be working on the flower arrangements. I have no idea what it's gonna be like besides standing for a long time and lots of pollen, but it seemed like an okay atmosphere when I was there before. Gonna try to keep my head up, 'cause being around people in a stressful environment for a long time will very likely give me a panic attack or five.

Earlier I was working on coloring and laying out page three of chapter one for the graphic novel project. It's actually coming along. I'm learning here and there better techniques for efficiency, clarity, and style, but it still takes a lot longer and a lot more work to do a page than I'd anticipated. Plus, I'm not used to making art in color, so that's a new challenge. But they're all new challenges for the most part, because it's not just drawing pictures or making a collage of sorts. Everything visual serves the story, from choice of angle to size of panel to focal points leading the reader's eye across the page. Really helps me appreciate the medium.

Tomorrow night, I have plans to meet with some folks from whom I may be renting some living space soon. They're in the city and close to some subway stops, which is really exciting.

Really, there's just so much going on.

While I have been trying so hard for so long to be hired for some normal job hours so that I don't have to keep depending so much on some supremely hospitable and encouraging family... >deep breath< it can be useful to take stock sometimes.

Sure, my mental health isn't what I'd like and I've got plenty to complain about. Really, though, when it comes to some big things—like making art, watching and reading and writing cool stories, writing and performing original music, living in Massachusetts, rockin' a cool beard and cool glasses, and having a good relationship with my parents—I kinda have everything I wanted from life already. Maybe it's a matter of degrees and the specifics of how, but whether my mood is up or down, I can at least keep moving forward.

It's like a pile of boulders fell on my head, but I finally found the perfect one to chisel into what could be a fantastic sculpture. We'll see.

Thanks for reading,

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